Billing information | |
Address: | Marketing mapy s.r.o. |
European Union: Czech Republic | |
Zitna 3994, 276 01 Melnik | |
IC: | 07946562 |
DIC: | CZ07946562 |
Data Box: | jwaxb5m |
C 309804 registered with the Municipal Court in Prague | |
Bank details | Account Number for CZK – Czech crown: 2901712282 / 2010 Account Number for EUR – Euro: 2901712290 / 2010 Account Name: Marketing mapy s.r.o. Bank: FIO bank |
Contacts | |
Main Contact: | Michal Krutis Executive director, Owner +420 777 099 885 |
CTO: | Petr Jiranek Owner |
Support: | |
Social Accounts: |